Welcome to Aussie Care N Share


Little things can help to promote a mentally healthy workplace.

When these small things happen on a regular basis, it shows employees that your organisation takes mental health seriously. It also encourages people to engage, buy-in, and contribute to the creation of a mentally healthy workplace.

  • Workspace that is adaptable

A desk that can be adjusted in height electronically. Staff share this desk because no one wants to work standing up all the time. There are places where we can work quietly and places where we can expect some noise.

  • Self-responsibility

With flexible working arrangements, we are encouraged to take responsibility for our own mental health. These include working from a café, working from home one day a week to reduce stress from commuting, and having flexible start and finish times.

  • Make people feel like they belong.

Having ‘all staff’ gatherings and accepting people for who they are contributes to a sense of belonging in the workplace. When we feel like we belong at work, we are more likely to show up.

  • Humour

Every day, we brew leaf tea in a red teapot and tell stories while it steeps. Being able to laugh with one another is a great way to unwind and improve our overall well-being. Taking the time to laugh with others also contributes to a sense of belonging.

  • There is room for improvement

Considering how to improve its accepting, mentally healthy workplace This positive attitude and desire to improve is part of what contributes to a mentally healthy workplace.



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