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Foods that can help with mental health and well-being

We all know that healthy eating habits can improve our physical health, but did you know that diet can also improve our mental health? You will be more alert and able to think clearly if you have good mental health. You’ll also have a longer attention span and make better decisions.

But which foods will help your mental health?

Fatty fish

Fish has numerous cognitive benefits. The benefits are attributed to DHA, a fatty acid known to improve both long and short-term memory. This promotes optimal brain functioning as well as stress reduction. Fatty fish also contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce mental distress. Because omega-3 is an important component of nerve cell membranes, it influences the release and uptake of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. A healthy diet should include a variety of seafood, such as prawns, trout, tuna, and salmon.


Tryptophan is an amino acid that has been linked to improved mental health. This nutrient can be obtained by eating plenty of lean protein foods such as chicken and turkey. While some people believe that amino acids cause fatigue, scientific evidence suggests that tryptophan encourages the body to produce more serotonin. Higher levels of serotonin improve memory and help the body cope with stress.

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are also excellent sources of complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in these feel-good foods will gradually and steadily provide enough energy to your brain. As a result, adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet should improve your mood.

Vegetables and fruits are commonly high in vitamins and antioxidants. These nutrients are required to combat stress and maintain peak mental function. As a result, eating more vegetables has been linked to a lower risk of depression.

Bananas, capsicums, apples, carrots, spinach, and kale are among the vegetables and fruits we recommend. They’re great as on-the-go snacks or in a sandwich, stew, soup, or salad.

 Whole Grain

Whole grains include wild rice, oats, soy, and beans. These grains are distinct from others in that they do not raise the level of sugar in your brain. This, on the other hand, is the food that makes you happy. Their complex carbohydrates produce glucose slowly, providing a steady supply of energy. This means that if you eat this happy food, your brain will have enough energy to perform its functions and maintain optimal performance.

Simultaneously, many of these grains improve the brain’s ability to absorb tryptophan. Consuming this happy food can help to alleviate depression and anxiety.


Chocolate has long been associated with happy feelings, but does it actually make you happy? After consuming chocolate, the brain begins to secrete large amounts of serotonin. This is due to the higher concentration of tryptophan. However, the increase is only noticeable when eating chocolate that contains cocoa butter and cocoa solids.

Additionally, your brain may begin to release more endorphins into the neural network. These hormones can increase happiness and decrease stress.

Darker chocolate can also provide your body with polyphenols. These nutrients can help to alleviate depression and make you feel more energised.

Foods Fermented

Increase your intake of fermented foods if you want to improve your mental health by changing your diet. More kombucha, kimchi, and yoghurt should be included in your diet. These foods can help you feel less anxious and stressed.

Fermented foods contain bacteria that can boost your mood. This occurs because the bacteria create an environment in your stomach that allows your body to produce the hormones it requires. A healthy stomach can contribute to a healthier mind.




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