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5 Crucial Anti-Bullying Ideas

Bullying is a global problem. It is now more than ever at the forefront of a national debate. We didn’t have as many school shootings twenty years ago as we do now. Part of the problem is that our children are so engrossed in technology that they are unable to connect with others. When people are isolated in this way, things can spiral out of control and end in tragedy, as we’ve seen time and again. Here’s some anti-bullying advice on how to keep our kids from becoming bullies or being bullied.

Communication Strategies to Combat Bullying

Discuss Bullying with Your Children

We need to talk to our children about bullying so they understand what it is. This lets them know that their behaviour is not acceptable. This will help to keep them from turning into bullies. It will also aid in early detection. Recognizing bullying when it occurs is important for preventing ongoing behaviour because children will understand that what is happening is not their fault and that it is OK to seek help.

A bully is someone who seeks to harm, intimidate, or coerce others. Bullies typically feel better by making others feel worse. They enjoy the sense of power, control, and superiority that comes from putting others down. Bullying is frequently directed at those who are different in some way, whether it is due to sexual orientation, gender identity, being new in town, being alone, dressing a certain way, or other factors. There is no reason why this aggressive behaviour should be tolerated, and any incident of bullying should be reported to school administrators and/or a trusted adult.

Discuss with your child what they should do if they are bullied (or a friend)

The first step is to teach your child to recognise a bully. The next step is to teach your child what to do if it happens to them or a friend. It is best if they can deescalate the situation and talk to an adult.

Bullying Does Not Appear In Every Case

The same kids should understand that taking videos or photos of other people without their permission and sharing them without permission is never acceptable. This type of behaviour is unacceptable, and such actions can have a negative bullying impact even when they are not intended to be so.

Understand What Your Children Are Doing Online

Monitoring your child’s online interactions is another important anti-bullying tip. There is such a big world out there, and the internet can be full of predators if your child is unwary. Ascertain that you are aware of the apps they are using and that you have discussed online safety and rules with them. The rise of social media appears to have made many people more comfortable saying things they would not say in person. This digital abuse is made worse by the victim’s realisation that many people will turn a blind eye. Assure them that they can come to you if they have any questions or concerns.

Maintain Open Communication

Our children are becoming so desensitised that it is difficult to protect them from the violence and sex they are exposed to in games, movies, television shows, on the radio, advertisements, conversations at school, and so on. I believe it is our collective responsibility as a society to care for our children. We may not be able to protect them from everything they are exposed to from a young age, but we can have conversations and continue to teach them to communicate. School-aged children must feel comfortable approaching you with questions and problems.

This does not imply that you do not hold them accountable for their poor decisions, but it does imply that you do not explode and respond in such a way that they do not feel safe seeking your advice.

T-Shirts Designed by Celebrities to Prevent Bullying

I chose to be nice. CustomInk has collaborated with a number of celebrity supporters to create a limited edition line of t-shirts with positive and motivational messaging that promotes acceptance and reinforces self-worth.

Wearing bullying prevention t-shirts shows others that you do not support bullying. Be the change you want to see in the world and set an example for others to follow. Bullying is wrong, and you can help remind others to be kind or tolerant of one another instead.




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