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Emotional abuse in relationships

Emotional abuse is a common type of abuse in close relationships. It’s also referred to as psychological abuse, and it includes verbal abuse. Emotional abuse occurs when one person maintains power or control over another. It usually occurs between intimate partners or between a parent and a child. It can

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Workplace Harassment and Discrimination

Workplace harassment and discrimination was one of the most frequently reported issues Bullying and harassment are psychological hazards that can harm employees. At the organisational level, these behaviours can lead to absenteeism, increased turnover, and decreased productivity. Recognizing Harassment It is illegal under anti-discrimination law to treat a person less

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Beyond Decriminalization: NSW Abortion Laws

Abortion is still contained within the criminal code in New South Wales, at sections 82 to 84 of the Crimes Act 1900. In contrast, in all other states around Australia, abortion is regulated as a healthcare procedure. While abortion is legal in NSW under certain conditions, women are not entitled

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Strategies for ensuring your child’s cyber safety

The internet provides an opportunity for children to interact and learn on a global scale and can be a wonderful learning tool. However, the internet also offers strangers a direct link to your home and your child’s life. The danger of this cannot be underestimated. It is imperative, that you

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A Look at Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Use…

Is it normal for all young people to experiment with alcohol and drugs? Youth alcohol and drug use is increasing in Australia, with a high use of cannabis, hallucinogens, amphetamines, steroids, cocaine, and heroin. With some claiming that the frequent rise in drug use by youth is due to an

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Gender, human rights, and basic income: strengthening issues of inequality or transformative action?

<strong>Basic income is an increasingly popular idea</strong> A basic income is an unconditional, tax-financed, government payment provided to every member of society. A basic income has been a prominent policy proposal in the context of uncertainty over the future of work and the problem of growing economic inequality. The implications

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Non-white Australians continue to face racism on a daily basis. Where is the plan to put a stop to this?

Australia’s Racism Since 1788, Australia’s history has been marked by heinous acts of racism. Its colonisation was yet another example of white Christians thinking they were ethnically and culturally superior in other societies. As a result, they may take over people, resources, and cultures. These cultural superiority attitudes have not

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Workplace Mental Health Stigma

Mental health stigma is an impediment in today’s world, preventing people from receiving the mental health care they require to get through life’s lows. “Mental health stigma is a negative view or attitude toward people who are struggling with their mental health, including those who are living with a mental

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