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Families in Good Health Do These 5 Things

Children change your life, but you shape theirs! Bringing up children in a home where exercise and good nutrition take a back seat to video games and TV dinners will instil unhealthy habits in your children that will last the rest of their lives. Healthy habits, in the end, provide the foundation for happiness, allowing you to enjoy each day without worrying about your health and allowing you to pursue your dreams. With that in mind, here are 5 healthy family habits that we can all adopt to become the best versions of ourselves.

Get up and shine!

Sunday, Tuesday, Friday, and Christmas Day—wake up together and at the same time. Whether your children are five or fifteen, developing the habit of rising and shining at the same time will help your internal clocks to tick at a healthy rhythm. Putting your body on a consistent sleep schedule seven days a week, 365 days a year will give you more energy, mental stamina, and will help you live a longer life. Set a good example by getting your children to sleep eight hours a night and rewarding them with a healthy, delicious family breakfast every morning. Children who are well rested are generally healthier and make better decisions.

Take turns selecting meals.

The kids want McDonald’s, you want a burrito, and your spouse is content with whatever leftovers are in the fridge. Families rarely agree on what to have for dinner, so instead of trying to please everyone, start delegating. Make some ground rules—no fast food, each meal must include vegetables, protein, and grains, and eating out should be limited to once a week—and then create a “Meal Wheel” with everyone’s name on it.

Exercise together

Whether you plan to go hiking once a week or take a karate class as a family, exercise must be a group activity. A great way to start this habit is to wake up the whole family and go for a run (or walk) together every morning, as I suggested above. Exercising in the morning has been shown to reduce stress and increase energy, and it will set the tone for the rest of your day. Working out is also beneficial to your mental health because it allows you to let off steam and relieve stress. Physical activity is critical for young children’s healthy development.

Schedule “off” days.

Just because you’re working to improve your family’s health doesn’t mean you have to be mean about it. Plan a weekly night when everyone can indulge. Maybe “Sundae Saturdays,” when you watch a movie as a family and prepare a healthy family movie night snack; or “Whatever Wednesdays,” when you can watch two hours of TV and eat a healthy (but indulgent) comfort food.

Emotional well-being is a frequently overlooked, yet critically important, component of overall health. Getting your family into the habit of spending some designated downtime together will bring you closer together and make staying healthy that much more rewarding. It’s a great time to make your home welcoming and enjoyable.Make use of your positive parenting skills to bring out the best in your children. Take advantage of the opportunity to demonstrate to your child how important it is to you to spend time with them and do fun things together. Increased parent-child interaction is essential for forming bonds that will see you through difficult times. Be the best parent you can be, and you will have a more successful life for all of your family members, including yourself!

Talking While Walking

A healthy family dynamic is built on open lines of communication between you, your spouse, and your children. Weekly, or even daily, catch-up sessions where everyone can share their worries, gripes, accomplishments, and silly jokes are a great habit for any family. Why not turn it into a fantastically healthy habit and go for a walk while you and your loved ones bare your souls? An open conversation in which everyone has the opportunity to express themselves is a great way to gain your child’s trust so that they know they can come to you with anything.

Give one of these healthy family ideas a try. Whatever you do, make certain you do it. You owe it to your family to be healthy, and your children deserve a healthy role model.




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