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What Effects Your Mental Health Has on Your Physical Health

We are taught that physical health is essential to our well-being, but what about mental health? Sometimes the most serious issues are those that we cannot see. These invisible wounds can manifest into physical problems with our health. The mind and body have a strong connection, and it is critical to understand the relationship between mental and physical health.

Stress is the beginning of poor mental health.

High levels of stress are one of the first signs of mental health problems. First, let us look at how stress affects your body. Why is it even there? Consider it your body’s defence system against potentially fatal situations. Stress provides your body with the nutrients it requires to survive. The human body, however, is not designed to remain in that state.

Here are some of the ways your mental health affects your physical health.

Have you ever been stressed out about something that had a negative impact on your life? Perhaps it was the end of a relationship, or perhaps work became too demanding and difficult. Consider this: when you are stressed, your body perceives it as a threat. It has no idea that your work problems are not the same as being chased by a lion. It only knows how to react. Staying in this condition weakens your immune system and puts you at greater risk of illness and injury.

Ways to keep your mental and physical health in check

Start putting more thought into the foods you eat.
When you nourish your body, you nourish your mind as well. A balanced and healthy diet will nourish both your mind and body. A poor diet exacerbates the problems that already exist in your body. When stressed, your body goes into survival mode, storing fat and craving sugary processed foods. Excess fat causes weight gain as well as heart disease and other complications. Thus, mental and physical health begin with eating nutritious whole foods.

Keep your body moving every day to stay active.

You don’t need expensive gym equipment or a personal trainer. It could be as simple as taking your dog for a walk or gardening in your backyard. Yoga is a popular way to move your body and strengthen your mind. It combines movement and meditation and can be done anywhere. It makes no difference what you do as long as you get up and move.

Relax both your body and mind.

When our bodies and minds are well-rested, we perform at our best. The most important aspect of recovery is sleep. We can expect our minds and bodies to deteriorate faster if we do not get enough rest. The ideal amount of sleep will differ from person to person, but the common goal is to get enough rest.

A nightly bedtime routine can help you sleep better. You can relax your body by taking a warm bath before going to bed. Instead of scrolling through your phone, read a book to relax your mind. The key is to relax your mind and body at the end of the day.

Seek assistance.

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We do our best to meet our needs, but it isn’t always enough. It’s okay to seek help; the first step is always the most difficult, but you don’t have to go it alone.

Our minds are capable of incredible feats. It can have an impact on how your body moves and feels.



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