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Why Has “Dealing With People” Become the Most Serious Post-Pandemic Struggle For Workers?

As workers return to their workplaces, a new study finds that “dealing with people” has become the most significant challenge workers report when it comes to caring for their well-being.

“Before and during the global pandemic, our studies with thousands of workers revealed that caring for their mental health was their greatest challenge,” It was the first time we’d seen ‘dealing with people’ rise to the top of 39.1% of workers’ workplace wellbeing challenges, followed by mental health at 28.8%.” Why has dealing with people become so difficult for employees?

“However, more concerning for our relationships and general well-being as we return to work is that, while workers reported a significant increase in resilience (53.1% reported living well, despite struggles, up from 42.1% in August 2020), they are also experiencing significant levels of fatigue.”

“It’s understandable that workers are exhausted after repeatedly demonstrating their resilience during the global pandemic.” “The data suggests that if workplaces want to retain the performance benefits that come with resilience, leaders must prioritise safe spaces for workers to rest, recover, and reconnect as they return to the office.”

“This sounds simple enough, but workers also reported a significant decline in their trust in managers to make sound decisions about their futures (down from an average of 6.4 in August 2020 to 5.3 in May 2021),” says the report. “Moreover, despite the fact that bosses are generally the best people to reach out to when employees are struggling with their well-being, fewer and fewer workers were seeking them out, preferring instead to talk to their friends and family when they needed help.”

What can workplaces do to make dealing with people easier as employees return to work?

The Wellbeing Lab recommends the following strategies:

  • Prioritize Rest and Recovery Space –

We’ve all found it difficult to deal with people when we’re tired. Recognize your employees’ incredible resilience in the face of ongoing uncertainty and disruption over the past year, and encourage them to create rest and recovery spaces wherever their work allows. It could be a bonus long weekend, reducing the number of meetings or projects, encouraging people to take lunch breaks, or simply informing employees that they have the authority to work with their bosses to find rest and recovery spaces that work for them and their teams.

  • Assist Leaders in Expressing Care and Compassion –

Leaders have a significant impact on the well-being of their followers. According to our research, when leaders express care, compassion, and appreciation frequently, as opposed to occasionally or infrequently, both wellbeing and performance outcomes improve for the leader and their team members. Fortunately, these behaviours can be easily integrated into the existing role modelling, routines, and rituals that leaders already prioritise each day.

  • Make It Safe To Discuss Struggle –

Wellbeing includes both thriving and struggling moments. When we have the knowledge, tools, and support to help us navigate these moments, struggle is not a sign that we are broken; rather, it is an opportunity for learning and growth. Workers require psychologically safe spaces in which to talk openly about their well-being, what’s working well, where they’re struggling, and what they’re learning about caring for their well-being in order to maintain their resilience levels.



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