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Domestic Violence Abuse Types

Domestic and family violence continues to affect an increasing number of Australians each year, causing physical and psychological harm, intergenerational violence, and contributing to homelessness in some cases. Domestic and family violence is one of the most common reasons that women and children seek assistance from homelessness services in Australia.
Violence between family members as well as current or former partners is referred to as family violence. Because it encompasses ties with extended family and kinship relationships, the term “family violence” is also used to describe violence between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Domestic violence is classified as a type of family violence. It refers to violent behaviour between current or former intimate partners, in which one partner attempts to exert power and control over the other, usually through fear.
various forms of domestic violence and abuse
Domestic and family violence does not always manifest as physical abuse. It frequently includes various types of harmful behaviour. Knowing the warning signs can help you recognise abuse and take appropriate action to intervene or seek help. Domestic violence and abuse can take the following forms:

1.Physical violence

Physical abuse, which is often the most visible form of DFV, can include direct assaults on the body, such as the use of weapons, dangerous driving, property destruction, abusing pets in front of family members, and forced sleep deprivation. Physical abuse is rarely isolated, and perpetrators may also inflict other forms of abuse on victims.

2.Emotional exploitation

Emotional manipulation, whether through bullying or controlling behaviour, is toxic and harmful to a person’s self-esteem and self-worth. Victims are frequently blamed for relationship problems, compared negatively to others, or bullied. Emotionally abusive behaviour can have a negative impact on a person’s self-esteem and self-worth.

3.Financial exploitation

Financial abuse is defined as taking complete control of all finances, restricting another person’s access to bank accounts, or using their money without their consent. Controlling behaviour is used to make victims feel vulnerable, isolated, and trapped in their situation.

4.Sexual exploitation

While sexual abuse can occur with strangers. The vast majority of sexual abuse victims are aware of their abusers. Sexual abuse in a relationship can include any form of sexual activity without consent, as well as inflicting pain during sex, assaulting the genitals, coercive sex without protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease, or using sexually degrading insults.

5. Social exploitation

Attempting to control someone by isolating them from their friends and connections is a form of abuse. Techniques such as rudeness to family and friends, moving to locations where the victim doesn’t know anyone, or forbidding them from leaving the house can cause mental harm.

6. Verbal abuse

Words can be just as damaging to a person as physical abuse. Verbal abuse includes publicly or privately humiliating taunts, as well as verbal ‘put downs’ about a person’s intelligence, sexuality, body image, or value as a family member, parent, or spouse.

7. Spiritual exploitation

Spiritual abuse is defined as the use of religious teachings or cultural traditions to justify forms of abuse, denigration of a cultural background, or denying access to religious ceremonies, land, or family. This type of abuse can be difficult to detect because many victims are unaware they are being abused.



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